Correction to My Home Bird Count :
When my sister Karen was visiting recently from the west coast, I was reading her my list of bird sightings for our home, feeling proud of having recorded 100 species. Much to my chagrin, I found TWO birds which were recorded twice, bringing my number back. Space cadette. Sorry Mr. Sapsucker. You were just 98.
So this weekend, we were treated to the appearance of our 99th species, a Common Raven. Humongous bird with a very loud and deep croaking call. It hung around for a while allowing a few viewings.
Now we will keep our eyes out for the next species to bring us back up to the 100 bird count.
Yard Bird 100! This spring (2013) a Pileated Woodpecker passed through the yard, singing once to attract my attention. I caught a fleeting look as he flew off.