Monday, April 27, 2015

Buffleheads, Plymouth Harbor, 4/5/2015

 Bufflehead Ducks are so adorable....and gotta' love the name.
love the head-on look

nice profile dude

got an itch
Buffle Butt
Mama duck

Mr and Mrs Bufflehead

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Great Egret Study

beauty in flight
Beautiful breeding plumage

What's up with the neck?

Neck close up
Hi there!

"Eager lean" as described by Peterson

another breeding plumage shot


classic pose

Saturday, April 4, 2015

a few pix from this morning

Dapper Dude
Here's looking at you

Goldfinch spat
Mourning Dove and Cardinal hanging together

Cardinal waits for Goldies to finish
Goldfinch- molt almost complete
Goldfinch scolding female house sparrow

nuisance Cowbird

 Beautiful Wood ducks

Birding during breakfast

16 species of birds between vitamins and final cup of tea-

Wood duck
mournng dove
tufted titmouse
downy woodpecker
hairy woodpecker
red-bellied woodpecker
pine warbler (back after a long hiatus! yay!)
cowbird (first of the season... booo!)
house sparrow

a few photos to follow......